With the risk of contracting viruses like COVID-19, the need to maintain good indoor air quality has never been greater. This is more so the case if you run a commercial setting that is accessed by different people each day. While wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and washing your hands frequently may help, you can also enhance safety by ensuring your heating and cooling systems function correctly. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need a commercial HVAC contractor in San Antonio TX to help you improve your indoor air quality.
COVID-19 pretty much resembles other viruses like common cold and flu because it spreads mainly through respiratory droplets. These droplets land on surfaces and fill the air any time an infected person sneezes or coughs. The worst could happen if the HVAC system cannot effectively expel contaminated air.
A unit that is functioning correctly will pump out stale air and allow fresh air into your building. Similar to most microbes, viruses tend to thrive in moist or stagnant air. During routine checks and maintenance, we will inspect the ventilation of your unit to ensure it works effectively in reducing moisture and ensuring proper airflow.
Another service we can offer is the upgrade of air filter systems. There are advanced systems designed to capture all impurities, including the minuscule particles of bacteria and viruses. In case your unit still has the traditional filters, it is imperative to plan for an urgent upgrade project.
If you are worried about the safety and health of your employees during these tough times, we can offer services that will give you priceless peace of mind. Our licensed contractors can also lend a hand with the installation, maintenance, and repairs of your heating and cooling systems. Their skills and experience in the field allow them to offer personalized advice on making business settings safer during this pandemic.